
Digital Classifieds Group (DCG)

Founded in 2013, DCG operates a portfolio of the Asia Pacific’s leading & fastest-growing online real estate and general classified marketplaces. DCG identifies and corners dynamic early-stage markets by leveraging technology to redefine the value proposition for users and the businesses we work with. Our competitive advantage is our all-encompassing approach to solving our end-users needs and thereby delivering value to our clients.

DCG’s companies and brands include realestate.com.kh and Fazwaz in Cambodia, hausples.com.pg and marketmeri in Papua New Guinea, yula.la and lanloa.la in Laos, and property.com.fj in Fiji.

DCG's philosophy is to centralise complex high skill roles such as strategy, M&A, Technology and SEO in Australia allowing in-market teams to totally focus on driving local user adoption, building agent/developer relationships & growing revenue.

Portfolio Details

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